New Bethany owns and manages permanent rental housing solutions. In South Bethlehem, Wyandotte Apartments offer 7 apartments for formerly homeless families or individuals. We also offer Single Room Occupancy in Bethlehem, Coplay, and Allentown. Human of New Bethany, Shequita, came to New Bethany with her three daughters, fleeing a domestic violence situation and looking to…
New Bethany Ministries office manager, Denise O’Connor, joined the team 6 months ago, immediately before COVID-19 hit. In her role, Denise handles day-to-day office activities and communicates and manages many client activities. She is responsible for providing guidance and assistance with the many programs that New Bethany offers. Denise is often the first point of…
Meet Emily Forrester, a staff member who was promoted to case manager after the onset of COVID, after a year and a half as evening and weekend caretaker. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Emily has been assisting individuals and families in the Comfort Suites Transitional Housing Program. Thanks to a partnership between the City of Bethlehem…
New Bethany proudly provides Case-Managed Care to those who need it. We offer rental and general assistance to homeless or soon-to-be homeless individuals and families. Additionally, we provide support services – job search and training, referrals for counseling, life skills, housing search, and support applying for mainstream benefits. Meet Maria – a South Bethlehem resident…
While New Bethany Ministries has 18 full-time employees, the organization truly relies on community volunteers to help us care for Lehigh Valley neighbors. As Pennsylvania rolled out a Stay at Home order, New Bethany faced a drastic volunteer shortage – 97% of its essential volunteer base decided to stay safe and stay home. The pandemic…
New Bethany offers a range of programs and services – from a hot meal to eat to transitional and permanent housing. For some of our clients, just having a place to shower, have a meal, and find shelter from the elements day is enough. Humans of New Bethany, Justin & Faye, have chosen to keep…
Meet Veronne Demesyeux, LMSW, New Bethany Ministries’ Director of Operations! She is responsible for the design and oversight of all of New Bethany’s programming and case-managed services. This includes food access, homeless prevention, transitional, and permanent housing programs. When reflecting on how her past employment has prepared her for the programs she develops at New…