Interested in making an online monetary contribution today? Click below.
New Bethany, Inc. is a 501 ©(3) nonprofit corporation. Our IRS tax ID is 23-23-65694. The official registration and financial information of New Bethany, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
DONATE ONLINEIf you would like to mail your donation, please make checks payable to New Bethany and mail the check to:
New Bethany
Attn: Marc Rittle, Executive Director
333 W. 4th St.
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Donations needed: New Bethany is accepting in-kind donations of non-perishable food (especially canned veggies, pasta, peanut butter, tuna). The pantry is temperature controlled, which means we also will accept fresh garden vegetables. We cannot accept expired food, however, we can accept food past a “sell by” date. Our hospitality center will accept full-sized toiletry items as well as travel-sized toiletry items as toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc.
List of additional items we accept.
Please drop off items at our food pantry and hospitality center at the following times and locations. You may drop off food at the pantry and toiletries at the center.
Please only bring items to these locations at these times:
380 Shawnee Street
Directions: Shawnee is one way; enter by turning into the CVS parking lot from Broadway, turn left onto Shawnee (the alley behind CVS). In one block Shawnee bends to the left, park here, on the right. Signs will say “Cathedral parking.” You will not be towed. Staff will be at the food pantry (blue building) to help you unload.
341 W. 4th Street
Directions: Use the second red door coming down W 4th, the door with the black railing and wheelchair access. Ring bell.
By appointment drop-off: If these times are difficult for a drop-off, please call 610-691-5602 ext.210 to make other arrangements.